No more Windows Homegroup starting with Windows 10 build 17063
Daca va numarati printre cei ce incepusera sa foloseasca Windows Homegroup ce a fost introdus incepand cu Windows 7, va asteapta o surpriza in urmatoarea versiune de Windows.
Incepand cu Windows 10 build 17063, aka Spring Creators Update, Homegroup nu va mai fi disponibil. Se pare ca exista un push foarte mare catre cloud si renuntarea la tehnologiile ce inca ne tin legati de stocarea datelor pe sistemele de acasa.
Conform alternativele ar fi:
File Storage:
OneDrive is a cloud-first, cross-device storage and collaboration platform for all of the pieces of data that matter most in your life – like your files, your photos, your videos, and more.
OneDrive Files On-Demand takes cloud file storage a step further, allowing you to access all your files in the cloud without having to download them and use storage space on your device.Share Functionality: For those who prefer not to use the Cloud to connect their devices, the Share functionality for folders and printers allows you to see the available devices and connect them to and from other PCs on your home network.
Easier Connection: No more remembering cryptic HomeGroup passwords in order to connect to another PC. You can now simply connect through your Microsoft Account email address across devices.
Pentru un end user, poate doar One Drive e o alternativa simplu de folosit. Sa folosesti un network share pe sisteme standalone poate fi o adevarata provocare cateodata.