Active Directory over NAT
By Andrei Ungureanu - Last updated: Friday, December 2, 2011 - Save & Share - Leave a Comment
AD peste NAT nu e un scenariu foarte bun insa sunt cazuri cand mai dai de asa ceva. Ce nu stiu multi este ca suportul pentru astfel de scenarii este destul de limitat (undeva intre limitat si deloc).
The Microsoft statement regarding Active Directory over NAT is:
- Active Directory over NAT has not been tested by Microsoft.
- We do not recommend Active Directory over NAT.
- Support for issues related to Active Directory over NAT will be very limited and will reach the bounds of commercially reasonable efforts very quickly.
The only configuration with NAT that was tested by Microsoft is running client on the private side of a NAT and have all servers located on the public side of the NAT. The NAT would also function as a DNS server.