Slow DC startup and Event ID 4013

By Andrei Ungureanu - Last updated: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 - Save & Share - One Comment

E posibil ca in anumite scenarii iar mie asta mi s-a intamplat mai ales in cele de test unde pornesti cateodata doar un anumit domain controller din environment ca procesul de startup sa fie foarte lent iar serviciul de DNS sa nu porneasca. Asta se intampla pentru ca serverul incearca sa faca o sincronizare Active Directory pentru nu a rata schimbari importante inainte de a-si oferi serviciile catre utilizatori. Si atunci dam de problema de mai jos:


The DNS server is waiting for Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) to signal that the initial synchronization of the directory has been completed. The DNS server service cannot start until the initial synchronization is complete because critical DNS data might not yet be replicated onto this domain controller. If events in the AD DS event log indicate that there is a problem with DNS name resolution, consider adding the IP address of another DNS server for this domain to the DNS server list in the Internet Protocol properties of this computer. This event will be logged every two minutes until AD DS has signaled that the initial synchronization has successfully completed.

Un workaround simplu pentru a iesi din aceasta stare este de a adauga urmatoarea cheie in registri urmata de un restart al serviciului de DNS:

Value name:  Repl Perform Initial Synchronizations
Value type:  REG_DWORD
Value data: 0

Totusi recomand asa ceva doar pentru medii de test. Pentru productie mai bine rezolvati cauza originala a problemei.

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Time August 2, 2013 at 6:32 pm

[…] Iar daca vreti sa dezactivati acesti proces aruncati un ochi si aici. […]

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